Fashion for Plus Sized Women

Okay, here is my rant for today!

Why is it that people just assume that plus sized ladies are old and do not like to wear fashionable things? Some one please tell me! I get so frustrated when I go into a store and they have so many cute clothes and then you walk to the women’s section. It is like you stepped back into the time when your grandma was stylish wearing that! Not all stores are like that but I have to say most are. For a woman to be plus sized and wear fashionable clothes, it is a hassle! Either you have to order online from a store you like because they don’t carry it in their store (tell me how that works please!) or all the plus sized stuff is just not from the same century it seems like.

Yes, it is hard being a plus sized girl in the society we live in. Movies and magazines do not help, but to have stores who only cater to smaller sizes is just ridiculous! It really is discouraging and makes me not wanna go shopping any more. It really is discouraging!!! I am thankful for the select stores who do carry fashionable clothing for plus sized women in this generation!

Changed My Life

What was the one experience that completely changed your life? What happened? How did it change your life?

There are several things that come to mind when asked this question. One of which I believe I’ve already blogged about and that was the passing of my father in 2005. So another experience that changed my life had to be the day I got saved and asked Jesus into my life.

I was six years old and we lived in South Carolina at the time. My dad was a pastor and going to church was not an option growing up. And to this day it still isn’t. (More on that later.) I don’t remember the exact date, but I do remember it being very cold! I had asked my dad a few days earlier if I could get saved. He always asked my why to be sure I understood what being saved meant. I never really replied any thing of importance until that day.

It was Tuesday morning. I had asked my dad on Sunday and he said to wait a couple of days to see if I was serious. Well I sure was. That morning when I woke, I ran to my dad and told him I wanted to get saved. He knew then I was serious. So we walked to the church and on the left side of the alter, my dad led me in a prayer to accept Christ as my Savior. It wasn’t the prayer that saved me but it was the belief in my heart! It completely changed my life! I went to school telling everyone what had happened. To this day it is still the best thing that happened in my life and changed me forever!

On that day I became God’s Child. My whole life changed. And though I was younger it may not have affected me like it would have if I was a teenager; in that I may have had more things to change at 16 then at the age of 6. But none the less I was changed. So many people don’t understand the true meaning of being a Christian and a Child of God, but because of a loving family who showed me, I was saved at an early age. I am so grateful for all God has done for me in my life.

About the church thing, I am now 22 years old and I do not live in my parents house. When I was younger I went to church because I had to, but now I go because I want to and I know that as a Christian I need church. I need to be fed God’s Word. I also need the fellowship of other Christians. So accepting Christ in my heart, changed my life for the better. And I would not change anything!

Never Limit Yourself

As I started looking for ways to travel the world and just “looking”, I come across some interesting things! First things was a suggestion to working on a cruise!!! How awesome is that? That is a perfect opportunity to travel and get paid while you do it! So there is the first option.

Secondly is to be an Au-pair in a foreign country! This has turned out to be my favorite of them all! France!!! I could live in France, right in the suburbs of Paris for ten to twelve months with a family! What a great way to learn about culture and learn a foreign language! The more I look and think about this the more excited I get. I know that this may never happen, but knowing that it could possibly happen is beyond my wildest dreams!

Never limit yourselves to what you have always known. I am realizing more and more as I grow up and learn about things is that you can do the impossible some times. It will be hard and testing but breaking out of those molds could be the best thing! I am so excited to see what these next few years lead! Knowing that I have nothing holding me down and picking up and moving, if I have a means to support myself is always and option!

Push the limits!!!

Travel the World

If some one was to ask me right now in my life what I wanted or what I wanted to do, I would have to give simple answer. And no it is not to get married, though I want that down the road. But right now, I wanna travel the world. I wanna quit my job, grab my passport and GO!  To where you may ask? Any where! Every where! I wanna back pack through Europe. I wanna see the Great Wall of China. I just wanna be a gypsie for a little while. I realize this is not a realistic dream and it may never happen, but I can dream. 

I have nothing holding me down at this moment in my life. What better time? Yeah I have a job, but if I could just go and travel for a year and come back and have a job waiting for me, I am afraid I would be on the next flight out of the country. Again, unrealistic. But I think its good to have dreams. Have goals. Many of my goals involve seeing the world and exploring other countries. I wanna see how people live on the other side of the world. I wanna meet new people, do new things.

So if you ask me what I want right now in life, I wanna travel the world for a year. What do you want?

Setting Standards

Standards. Every one has them. Yes, some one’s may not be as high or yours. Or vice verse. One thing I have learned in the past few years is setting my own standards. Standards that I believe are appropriate for me and my life. These standards have been based first and foremost of the Bible. Which should be your sole basis of your standards and beliefs if you are a Christian. Other contributions to my standards are my parents, professors, mentors, and my own personal opinion. When I say personal opinion I mean what I believe based on what I have been taught throughout my life. I am 22 years old and I have had a lot of people help me establish my standards.

I have several categories for which I have standards. Such as: standards for friends, standards for my personal life, standards for my hopefully future husband and standards for other small areas to which we do not need to go into on a public blog. All of these standards have some things in common.

For example, a standard for myself should be the same for my friends and future husband. How can I set a standard for myself and not expect the same from those who mean the most to me. An example is a of being honest. Some may say that is just common sense but now a days, peoples words mean nothing! It is just the society we live in. If I want friends to be honest with me, then how can I not myself be honest with them and others around me. Setting standards should not be taken lightly.

When I think of most of my important and high standards it is for my future husband. I have not dated a lot, well really at all. I do not just want “any” guy. NO!!! I have standards! Some may say that my standards are too high and I am never gonna find a man who meets “all” of my standards. And that is probably true, but I would rather set my standards really high and fall just a little short, than set my standards low and fall lower than those standards.

Every one should have standards. Especially young ladies looking for “Mr. Right.” I always tell my friends to never settle for less than what they deserve. That goes for the guys too! Guys should not settle for anything less than a true lady. A lady who respects herself and knows what she deserves! And guys, don’t lower your standards because you think you can’t do better than that. We set standards for a reason. That reason is not to lower them because that is what we “think” we deserve. Raise your standards and stick to it!

If you have high standards for yourself and for the person you are looking for, then most likely they will have high standards too. So we should do what we can to meet those standards we have set for the person we are looking for. Why should we expect them to be something in which we are not?

Every Now and Then…

I get a little bit lonely. You may recognize that line from a song, “Total Eclipse of the Heart.” This is a true statement. It is true for every one, if we can all be honest with ourselves. For me this can happen for several reasons. 1) I live 800 miles from immediate family. 2)Single. 3) Don’t have too many friends where I do live and my roommate and I work the same job; therefore, if I am off, she is working and vice versa. Those are some of the main reasons I get lonely. Your reasons may be totally different from mine. You may be dating some one and still get lonely. I don’t know what your reasons are but we all get lonely.

I think some times it is a good thing to be lonely. Why? (Glad you asked.) It reminds us that we are not always lonely and we can remember those who are around us, who love us and who we care about. I don’t know about you but when I get lonely it reminds me of my friends and family. I do wish they were around and that I wasn’t lonely at that point in time, but I am reminded that I am not always lonely. Some times you just have to look on the bright side of things when it doesn’t seem so bright. I love being around people, but I am the type of person who doesn’t mind being alone for a little while. I can listen to what I want. I can wear what I want. Think and get my mind clear of all the clutterness and mess that it is most of the time!

Being lonely isn’t always a bad thing. When you get lonely, and you will, think of those who you love and care about. Maybe give them a call. They may be just as lonely than you are.

Single Awareness Day

Okay people Valentines Day, or as I like to call it “Single Awareness Day” in only a few days away! And if you do have a special some one and you have not made plans, here is your reminder. 🙂

So many times people use this day to show the people they love how much they mean to them! Isn’t that just the sweetest thing(sarcasm at its best.) I love the day after Valentines Day because that means all the chocolates are on sale! Jackpot for all the single ladies. All the stuff we wanted to be a gift from some one else, we buy ourselves. At half price. That is such a good deal! \

But on a more serious note,

Many young ladies(including myself) get bummed out and think no one loves them and no one really cares. That is not completely true; even though we have a tendency to feel that way. I have wonderful news for all those single ladies who think no one cares…God cares! And God loves you! I know some people are like, “yeah, yeah I already heard that this week,” or “whatever, it doesn’t matter.” Well it does matter because out of all the people on the earth we have the God of Creation loving us. I think that trumps any guy on the planet(no offense men.) How can you beat the God of Love and the one who died to save you from a burning hell?! News flash: you CAN’T!! This is a reminder to myself as well. Being reminded of all God has done for me in my life, from saving my soul to placing me in a Christian home, to placing me at a good job! You may say, “well I don’t have any of those things.” I know God has blessed you in other ways if you are His child! He gave you breath, He gave you a new life, He gave you the ability to learn.

During this time of the year I am also reminded of how God will always love me! Not just on one day of the year or when I do something that pleases Him. Even when I mess up(which is a lot), He still loves me! Rather than focusing on the earthly people who love you this week, focus on the love God has given you!! He is someone who will always love you, no matter what you do! Rather focusing on how you don’t have a “significant other” to shower you with flowers and chocolates, focus on your Savior! The one who can show you what love really means!

But don’t forget those who have always loved you, such as your parents! Let them know you love them and appreciate them! More than just on a “special occasion”. Don’t be gloomy this week! Keep in mind that God loves you and He will always love you!

Happy Valentines Day 🙂



I believe in th…

I believe in the sun even when it isn’t shining. I believe in love even when I’m alone. I believe in God even when He is silent. ~Unknown

I believe in hope. I believe in faith. I believe in good. I believe in love. I believe in God. I believe that God is good and that God is love. I believe God  gives us hope. I believe in my faith in God. What do you believe in?

God is my strength when the sun isn’t shining. When I feel as it there is a dark cloud surrounding me and nothing is going right. When I can’t see the sun shining, I know God is their. I may not be able to see the sun shining in my life because I am in the midst of a storm. A storm of loneliness, a storm of hurt or a storm of tragedy. NO matter the storm, I believe in God and the Son. As I am learning every day, God is in control of everything in my life. I don’t have to be afraid of the future, even when the sun isn’t shining, because I know who holds my future.

God is love. He my Beloved, my Heavenly Father. He is love. His love is unending and it is a perfect love. On days when I feel alone because I don’t have a significant other, He reminds me that His love is enough. When I am lonely and desire to talk to some one, He is there. Why? Because I am His child and He loves me, just the way I am. So many times we think no one loves us because we think we are “ugly” or “fat” or simply because no one cares. God loves us. Even when we think we are worth nothing. He gives us that hope that He will always love us. God is love and He is enough for me!

God is hope. So many times when we ask for something, we get a direct answer. It may not be the answer we wanted but it was an answer. That makes us feel good. But when the answer is silence, we become afraid. God gives us hope and lets us know, even when He is silent, He is still in control of our lives and He has not left us. I believe in God even when He is silent. Many times when God is silent, He is preparing us for something much better than we ever imagined.


Abortion is Wrong

Abortion. This can be such a sore subject for many people. Some people don’t wanna talk about it because it is sad, and yes it is sad. Other people do not wanna talk about it because their view on abortion is not a “popular” opinion. I have an opinion on abortion, but not only an opinion but I truly believe my belief correlates with God’s Word! Abortion is direct sin against God.

Proverbs 6: 16, 17 “These six things doth the Lord hate; yea, seven are an abomination unto him: A proud look, a lying tongue, and HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD,”

 I am not the smartest person in the world  but I have to believe that abortion is the shedding of innocent blood. And according to this passage, it is an abomination against God. I am not sure how clearly people need it to be explained but that does it for me. I hear many times that it is a woman’s choice as to what she does to her body. This is not a valid reason! Why you ask? Because she is not killing herself but another life living within her!!

Many times people use the excuse of the girl being to young to be a mom or they haven’t done everything in life they wanted to do. If this girl believes she is old enough to have sex and the responsibility that comes with that, do you not think she is old enough to be a mom? She has made the choice to become sexually active, why not? If you don’t wanna get pregnant and deal with the choice that you think you have in having a baby or not, then why don’t you just not have sex? That is logic to me. People want their cake and they wanna eat it too. They want the pleasure of being with some one sexually but they do not want the responsibility. That child did not ask for you to become pregnant at a young age. They have no choice! You do! The innocence of an unborn child is simply heart breaking! 

A child has as much right to live and any one else. An unborn child…is still a CHILD!  No matter if it was conceived six weeks ago or six hours! It is still a person, a human being! Same as you and me. Why would we kill an innocent child who has done no wrong just to cover up what the “adult” has done? I am sickened and heart broken about the number of unborn children due to abortions.

I am pro life and I believe in stopping abortion!!!