Travel the World

If some one was to ask me right now in my life what I wanted or what I wanted to do, I would have to give simple answer. And no it is not to get married, though I want that down the road. But right now, I wanna travel the world. I wanna quit my job, grab my passport and GO!  To where you may ask? Any where! Every where! I wanna back pack through Europe. I wanna see the Great Wall of China. I just wanna be a gypsie for a little while. I realize this is not a realistic dream and it may never happen, but I can dream. 

I have nothing holding me down at this moment in my life. What better time? Yeah I have a job, but if I could just go and travel for a year and come back and have a job waiting for me, I am afraid I would be on the next flight out of the country. Again, unrealistic. But I think its good to have dreams. Have goals. Many of my goals involve seeing the world and exploring other countries. I wanna see how people live on the other side of the world. I wanna meet new people, do new things.

So if you ask me what I want right now in life, I wanna travel the world for a year. What do you want?

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